A lot of people have asked us how can we help your ministry financially. As many of you know, It is very expensive to travel these days. Between hotels, food, gas, dry cleaning, and maintenance, a group can spend up to $500 before they ever sing a note. When churches give love offerings, even though they are doing their very best, a lot of times it falls short of the finances needed to keep a ministry alive. With your generous love gifts and offerings, this trio can continue to minister at love offering only churches just because of your help. Thank you in advance for not only supporting our ministry, but God’s work. We have provided a safe, private way for you to help us. If you simply click on the PayPal link provided, it will safely guide you through the steps of giving. You do not need an account to use this, only a credit card or a debit card. If you would like to mail in your support, make checks out to James Rainey. Here is the address to send them:

11 Westgate Dr. Swansea, IL 62226.

God Bless you from the bottom of our hearts,

James, Laura, and Berdella